Your mind is already open.

You’re a change-maker, a disruptor, a rebel…

I do my best work with clients who are already trying to bring more equity and justice to their corner of the world.

You love tech, systems, organisation and colour-coding…

I keep my sanity by creating spaces for things and then putting those things in their designated spaces. This is partly because I’m a little controlling but mostly it’s because I have ADHD and without a methodology for organisation, I would never find my keys, wallet, chapstick and phone and…

…therefore I would never leave the house.

Having systems for organisation, documentation and automation drives how I do everything and it goes hand-in-hand with good management and leadership. If you routinely use project management tools to run your business and know you couldn’t possibly get anything done without it then we’ll get along just fine.

You self-identify as a woman or as non-binary and/or you have an intersectional identity…

I offer my services exclusively to those who self-identify as women or non-binary. Because of my own background, many of my clients enjoy working with me because their own identities intersect. If you identify as queer, BIPOC, mixed race, multi ethnic or multicultural then you may also enjoy working with me.

You’re stuck or stagnant as a boss, you’re struggling to find your management stride…

Just like it took time to build your business, the same is true of developing safe and inclusive management and leadership skills. You have absorbed a lot of business-as-usual messaging about managing people that is damaging to you and your staff because we all have. Modern-day management practices have their roots in colonialism, capitalism and other systems of oppression set up to help powerful people retain their power. I help my clients develop a new way of thinking and doing when it comes to growing a team of people who bring their very best to work, just like you do.

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    I’m a multi-racial, multi-cultural disruptor and I help small business owners become better managers & leaders.

    I’m Black, Native American (Seneca, Wolf clan) and Welsh. I grew up in England but I’ve lived in the US for more than half my life.

    There isn’t a day that goes by when I don’t remember that the freedom I enjoy today is not the freedom my matrilineal predecessors had. And I’m not just talking about my ancestors, I’m talking about yours too. Some of them fought for the rights and access we have today and some of them endured the best they could.

    Either way…

    …I am fuelled by their experiences and I never forget to be grateful for my right to make choices today.

    That being said, we have a long way to go and that’s why I do what I do.

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